Friday, October 13, 2017

GMS2 view_xview, view_yview

GameMaker Studio 2 has a list of obsolete function, including View Variables And Windows Functions.

From , GMS2 introducing a camera function.

With the advent of the camera functions in GameMaker Studio 2, it means that a number of view variables are no longer required, specifically those referring to the view into the room rather than the view_port (which is still used). There are also a few functions for controlling how things are displayed that were available in legacy versions of GameMaker: Studio 1.4 which are also no longer appropriate. These variables and functions are listed below:

view_object     view_angle     view_xview     view_yview
view_hview     view_wview     view_hborder     view_vborder
view_hspeed     view_vspeed    

GMS1 center the view:
view_xview[0] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
view_yview[0] = y - view_hview[0]/2;

Alternative script for GMS2:
var view_xview = x - camera_get_view_width(view_camera[0]);
var view_yview = y - camera_get_view_height(view_camera[0]);
camera_set_view_pos(view_camera[0], view_xview/2, view_yview/2);

or obviously you can write it like this:
var view_wview = camera_get_view_width(view_camera[0]);
var view_hview = camera_get_view_height(view_camera[0]);

var view_xview_c = x - view_wview/2;
var view_yview_c = y - view_hview/2;
camera_set_view_pos(view_camera[0], view_xview_c, view_yview_c);

So we got a substitute for the code! We can continue to follow the GMS1 tutorial from youtube.
Well, not the greatest solution, but it works.

Monday, October 9, 2017

New Splash Screen GMS 2

Hey! A new update. Its Version Download. Wed, 04 Oct 2017 08:37:57 Z. And it has a new randomize splash screen.

We can read the Release Notes here,
but here is the hightlight first four :

  • Added some cool new splash screens and now randomly choose which is shown.
  • Language files now have the standard 2-digit language code in them, and GMS2 will now auto-select its language for new installs by using your OS language.
  • Mac installer will now remove all previous files, cleaning out the installed folder.
  • New sprite editor filters added to help get rid of halos and glows around sprites.
The old splash screen.
... and the three randomize addition.

What do you think? :p

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Game Maker Studio 2 - Runtimes

Runtimes? What is runtimes?
Lets find up in the official documentation:

GameMaker Studio 2 is more than just an IDE and has a number of different runtime tools that it uses behind the scenes to build you games for the different target platforms available. These tools are mainly the different runners and compilers that each platform requires, and you can actually have several of each at any one time. What this means is that you can "pick and choose" which compiler version and which runner version to use should you have found any issues with the current one or are aiming at a very specific target version or platform. Tools will automatically update when there is a new version available, but you can then use the Runtime Feeds Preferences to select which ones you actually want to use.

Every now and then GMS2 will notify if there is a new version is available for download. We also can check it manually from preferences.
You can update the runtime list at any time by clicking the refresh button .

The current Runtime

Available Runtime version

How to select a different runtime to use, simply find it in the list and then double click on it. If the runtime has not been downloaded and installed, then you will be prompted to do so, and once it has been installed you will be prompted to close and restart the IDE so that the new runtime can be initialised.

And we're good to go.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

GameMaker: Studio Rebundle!

GameMaker: Studio Rebundle.

GameMaker: Studio Rebundle on Humble Bundle.
Grab it fast while its still available!

GameMaker: Studio caters to entry-level novices and seasoned game development professionals equally, allowing them to create cross-platform games in record time and at a fraction of the cost of conventional tools!

In addition to making game development 80 percent faster than coding for native languages, developers can create fully functional prototypes in just a few hours, and a full game in just a matter of weeks.

GameMaker: Studio™ Professional unlocks the full power of GameMaker: Studio™, giving you all the added ability to collaborate within a team through subversion, monetize your game with an unprecedented amount of developer services, as well as being able to purchase and plug-in Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8 and HTML5 export modules.

The Humble GameMaker Rebundle

Bundles are the source of all awesomeness. And the GameMaker bundle was so awesome, we decided to bring it back. Grab a collection of software, games, and source files to help you realize your most ambitious game dreams!

Pay what you want. Normally, the total cost for these games and GameMaker: Studio licenses is as much as $1,687. Here at Humble Bundle, though, you choose the price!

Go grab a bundle!