Thursday, September 24, 2015

Reinstalling Grub Efi Boot Loader

Restore UEFI Boot

Updating your windows 8 to Windows 10 at some point can make your dual-boot machine unable to boot due to grub bootloader damaged.

The first reboot step will bring your system unbootable.

To fix this problem, boot the computer using the SolydXK live USB in UEFI mode, and then chroot into the broken system.

/dev/sda2 is my efi partition

/dev/sda9 is my home partition
/dev/sda10 is my SolydK partition
/dev/sda11 is my SolydX partition

mount the broken system :

sudo mount /dev/sda9 /mnt 
sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot/efi 
sudo mount -B /dev /mnt/dev
sudo mount -B /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts
sudo mount -B /proc /mnt/proc
sudo mount -B /sys /mnt/sys  
make the network available after chrooting :

sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/ 
modprobe efivars
chroot into the system :

sudo chroot /mnt
Reinstall grub-efi
For 32 bit system :
apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi

for 64 bit system :

apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64
type Ctrl+D to exit chroot

umount all :
sudo umount /mnt/dev
sudo umount /mnt/dev/pts
sudo umount /mnt/proc
sudo umount /mnt/sys 
sudo umount /mnt/boot/efi
sudo umount /mnt  

reboot :
sudo reboot

Your system should be bootable now. Select Windows bootloader and the update proccess will continue to the next step.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

GameMaker: Studio on Humble Bundle

GameMaker: Studio on Humble Bundle.

This might be a little late but GameMaker: Studio is on Humble Bundle.
Grab it fast while its still available!

The bundle is $568 worth of awesome stuff.

From HumbleBundle site :

Humble Weekly Bundle: Play and Create with GameMaker

Go ahead… make our game. This bundle's packed with software and source codes to make your own games and tinker with existing games. Pay what you want for Death Ray MantaSpoiler AlertWizardWizard + WizardWizard Source Code and Documentation, Another Perspective, and YoYo RPG + Foliage Pack and Items Pack. Pay $6 or more to also receive Super Crate Box + Super Crate Box Source Code, Spoiler Alert Source Code,10 Second NinjaDeath Ray Manta Source Code, Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in The Hotel LisbonAnother Perspective Source Code,Savant - AscentStealth Bastard Deluxe, and GameMaker: Studio Pro. Pay $12 or more for all of that plus Wasteland Kings + Wasteland KingsSource Code, 10 Second Ninja Source Code, Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in The Hotel Lisbon Source Code, Savant - Ascent Source Code, Stealth Bastard Deluxe Source Code, and the GM:S Android Export Module.
Pay what you want. All of this content ordinarily costs up to $568, but here at Humble Bundle, you choose the price!
DRM-free and on Steam and GameMaker. The games in this bundle are available DRM-free and/or on Steam. All games are playable on Windows and most are also available on Mac. Select titles are playable on Linux. Source files and GameMaker Studio software is redeemable on GameMaker. Pay $1 or more for access to Steam and GameMaker keys. Please check out the full system requirements here prior to purchasing.
Support charity. Choose where the money goes -- between the developers and charitable causes Doctors Without Borders/MSF via the PayPal Giving Fund. For details on how this works, click here. If you like this bundle or like what we do, you can leave us a Humble Tip too.

GameMaker: Studio Professional for $6 or more.

GM: S Pro + Android Export Module for $12 or more.

Go grab a bundle! 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hello World! -Haxe

Hello World! Haxe

Lets meet haxe, and follow the opening part of the tutorial from here.

if you haven't install haxe yet, follow the installation steps here.

Open terminal

Create file Hello.hx

$ nano Hello.hx

Type in the following source code :

class Hello {
      public static function main () {
           trace("Hello World!!");

To compile, run the following command:

$ haxe -main Hello -neko Hello.n

This will create new file Hello.n
To run the file, type:

$ neko Hello.n

Hello.hx:3: Hello World!!

Basic Neko API

From :
"Print the specified value on the default output followed by a newline character."

Lets modified the Hello.hx

$ nano Hello.hx

class Hello {
      public static function main () {
           neko.Lib.println("Hello World!!");

Save the file.
Compile it

$ haxe -main Hello -neko Hello.n

then run the file

$ neko Hello.n

Hey.. it's working!

HaxeFlixel on SolydK and Other Debian Based Distros

Lets install HaxeFlixel .

Lest install HaxeFlixel on SolydK64bit!

What is Haxe anyway?
Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language, a cross-compiler, a complete cross-platform standard library and ways to access each platform's native capabilities.

...and Flixel?
 Flixel is an open source game-making library that is completely free for personal or commercial use. Written entirely in Actionscript 3, and designed to be used with free development tools, Flixel is easy to learn, extend and customize., HaxeFlixel?
HaxeFlixel is Flixel port to use Haxe language. Create cross-platform games easier and free and all with one codebase. HaxeFlixel use OpenFL library.

OpenFL (Open Flash Library) is a fast, open-source implementation of the industry-standard Flash API. Unlike the Adobe implementation, OpenFL uses hardware rendering, compiles to native C++ for target platforms and reaches many more platforms than Adobe AIR. OpenFL is also 100% compatible with Flash Player, so you can still target Flash in the browser, or even AIR if you want. OpenFL uses the Haxe programming language.


Downoad haxe from here.

Or you might want to visit the download page if the link is broken here.
Exstract it  

Install the script.
$ ./

Test your installation. Should look like this.
$ haxe

$ sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev g++ g++-multilib gcc-multilib

Install lime
$ haxelib install lime
$ haxelib run lime setup

do you want to install the "lime" command? [y]

Test the lime installation
$ lime

Install OpenFL
$ haxelib install openfl
$ haxelib run openfl setup

Test the openfl installation
$ openfl

Install Flixel
$ haxelib install flixel
$ haxelib install flixel-tools
$ haxelib run flixel-tools setup

Test the flixel installation
$ flixel

Now we will test with a new HaxeFlixel project.

Create new flixel template
$ flixel tpl -n "TestFlixel"

Browse into source directory
$ cd TestFlixel/source

Edit menustate.hx file
$ kate menustate.hx

Add code before super.create();

add(new FlxText(10, 10, 100, "Hello, World!"));

Save the file.

Go to the root directory project and run the command:

$ lime test linux -64


$ lime test neko

This is not an error. This is compiling the project.

note :
lime test neko
lime test linux -64
lime test windows
lime test mac 

Run this command from the root folder of your project, the default project.xml will be
used automatically. Using the test command will automatically launch the application created.

....and tadaa.

Hello, World!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

SolydXK SolydK Nightly

What is SolydXK Nightly?

Taken from SolydX forums :

These are candidates for the next release scheduled in the first half of February 2015.

These editions point to the new SolydXK repository and Debian Jessie. They use QtCurve/Greybird with the Evolvere icon theme as the new theme. There were some minor changes in the installed packages to emphasize that these editions are suited for business use: no Steam (still in the repository), LibreOffice for SolydX (no Abiword and Gnumeric) and included Dia.

The nightly builds can be downloaded here:


So, what does it look like? lets take a peek