Friday, October 13, 2017

GMS2 view_xview, view_yview

GameMaker Studio 2 has a list of obsolete function, including View Variables And Windows Functions.

From , GMS2 introducing a camera function.

With the advent of the camera functions in GameMaker Studio 2, it means that a number of view variables are no longer required, specifically those referring to the view into the room rather than the view_port (which is still used). There are also a few functions for controlling how things are displayed that were available in legacy versions of GameMaker: Studio 1.4 which are also no longer appropriate. These variables and functions are listed below:

view_object     view_angle     view_xview     view_yview
view_hview     view_wview     view_hborder     view_vborder
view_hspeed     view_vspeed    

GMS1 center the view:
view_xview[0] = x - view_wview[0]/2;
view_yview[0] = y - view_hview[0]/2;

Alternative script for GMS2:
var view_xview = x - camera_get_view_width(view_camera[0]);
var view_yview = y - camera_get_view_height(view_camera[0]);
camera_set_view_pos(view_camera[0], view_xview/2, view_yview/2);

or obviously you can write it like this:
var view_wview = camera_get_view_width(view_camera[0]);
var view_hview = camera_get_view_height(view_camera[0]);

var view_xview_c = x - view_wview/2;
var view_yview_c = y - view_hview/2;
camera_set_view_pos(view_camera[0], view_xview_c, view_yview_c);

So we got a substitute for the code! We can continue to follow the GMS1 tutorial from youtube.
Well, not the greatest solution, but it works.


  1. Thank you for your articles that you have shared with us. Hopefully you can give the article a good benefit to us. Rocket League Items

  2. Thank you so much for adapting it to GMS2! appreciate :)

  3. it dosent work like that. it gave me errors :(
